Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Leaders Read and Readers Lead - in Marketing, Business and in Life

"Yet, if I could give you a recommendation
as to finding a good organization to help you
get over to the right side of the Quadrant, the
key is not so much the product but the education
the organization offers."
- Robert Kiyosaki The CashFlow Quadrant

The truth is learning is the key to success, and I don't necessarily mean higher education. A self-directed learner – one highly motivated to learn - will often learn far more than someone just taken college classes to get the piece of paper. I know because I went through years of college earning a M.S. Degree but learned far more valuable lessons in network marketing than all the years of college courses.

“Leaders Read and Readers Lead” is so true. A leader is continually learning and growing or he is left behind - especially in the fast-paced, quickly changing Internet world of the 21st century.

Which is one of the reasons that BookWise caught my attention about a year ago. I love books and am an avid reader – particularly of business, self-development and inspirational books. At the time I thought it was a great concept for a business.... but dismissed it because I felt they didn't have enough selection of books at that point - and they were only just starting. I know from being in the industry for over 7 years, the growing pains a new company can go through and the high failure rate in the early stages. So I just put it on the back burner and went on building my other businesses.

Recently though, BookWise was brought to my attention again and I was informed that they had recently partnered with Baker and Taylor, the world's largest distributor of Entertainment, and are rapidly expanding the bookstores. So...I took another look and was impressed with what they have to offer.

Low Start-up cost - affordable to the average person, even
those on a limited budget
Product of value that people don't need to be 'sold' on
Continual tax education from renown tax expert Ronald Meuller
Website and Marketing tools included
Educational Resources in the virtual office for continual
Generous Compensation plan
Portion of profits go to worthwhile children's charities
...and more

Plus BookWise has an impressive group of founders and leaders. Just to name two –

Richard Paul Evans - winner of the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year Lifetime Achievement Award at age 31 and #1 New York Times Bestselling Author of “The 5 Lessons A Millionaire Taught Me About Life and Wealth”

Robert G. Allen – well-known financial advisor and bestselling author of: Multiple Streams of Income, One Minute Millionaire, and other best-sellers

For the educational value alone, BookWise would be a good additional resource to anyone in a business or wanting to start a business. So if you are looking for a business you may want to look at BookWise and.....

If you are already in a business, you may want to take a took at BookWise too - for its educational value and as a secondary income stream.

I have learned the hard way the importance of not having 'all your eggs in one basket' and strongly believe the best way to be truly independent in network marketing and direct sales is to develop multiple income streams.

For those who are serious about building a strong residual income and financial independence, our team has the training and resources to learn how to be a professional, independent marketer.

To learn more about BookWise, go to:

http://winninginthemargins.com passkey: wendymills

One important thing to note - on the Winning in the Margins
video at the end, Richard mentions face-to-face marketing. If
you LIKE face-to-face marketing, by all means you can build
that way, but if you are wanting to market online, rest
assured that we have the knowledge and resources to help you
buid a successful internet business too.

And to learn more about me and the team of leaders I work with go to:

You can also access a lot of resources to help you in whatever business you choose at my personal website, www.ahomebusinessworks.com

After you have looked over the sites, write down any questions you have and give me a call at 716-514-8858, complete a contact form or email.

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