Join the WorksTeam webinar June 1st at 9pm EST at no cost and find out how to brand YOU!
The WorksTeam Mon. Night Training webinar's topic is: Branding YOU, Inc.
As an independent business person it is critical to step beyond just being a distributor/associate/rep of XYZ company. When you own your own business, you are in the business of building YOU, Inc. Branding your business is vital to your long term success and profitability.
On this webinar, Cammy Stubbs will be presenting on the WorksTeam Monday Night training Webinar on the topic: Branding YOU, Inc.
She will be discussing the importance of branding your business and how doing so can easily add zeros to end of your income. Also, she'll be sharing tips and strategies on how to effectively brand your business in a competitive market place, how to insure your prospects choose you over your competition and sharing some secrets to put your business in the same league as the Big Boys....
This is a webinar you won't want to miss, so....
You are welcome to join this Worksteam webinar at no cost. We record the webinars each week, but access to the WorksTeam site with the recorded archives is only available to those working directly with me or a WorksTeam member.
However, if you would like to get invitations to future WorksTeam live webinars, you can subscribe to my WorksTeam webinar emails.
(Only subscribe if you are NOT already receiving weekly WorksTeam webinar notifications and if you are NOT already working with a WorksTeam member.)
To learn how to utilize the power of the internet in attracting people to you and your business I recommend subscribing to the RSS feed on my other blog, The Attraction Marketer and visiting the Renegade Pro page on my website. You'll find the Renegade System and the step-by-step training in Renegade Professional is a powerful combination.
If you have questions or need help with your business, just complete the Contact Wendy Mills form or call 716-514-8858