Sunday, September 30, 2007

The 80/20 Principle and Network Marketing

Cammy Stubbs, Wendy Mills & Ann Sieg - Renegade Network Marketers
I was reminded again of the 80/20 principle the other day when I received a Brian Tracy's Success Management email Newsletter. By the way, I recommend subscribing to Brian Tracy's daily quotes or other types of daily positive or business email newsletters as a great way to start off your day.

Any way, as Brian Tracy mentions, the 80/20 rule is also called the Pareto Principle after its founder, the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto. He noticed that people seemed to divide naturally into the top 20%, what he referred to as the “vital few”, who had the most money and influence, and the bottom 80%, which he referred to as the “trivial many”. He then discovered that virtually all economic activity was subject to this rule.

It was in network marketing that I first remember hearing this rule and through the years I have seen that it applies to more than just economics.

20% of your downline will do 80% of the activity in your business.
20% of your customers will contribute to 80% of your sales.
20% of your time spent will yield 80% of the valued results

I immediately thought of Ann Sieg, the author of The 7 Great Lies in Network Marketing and the Renegade Marketer ebooks, and the Renegade Marketing System. In case you are not aware of it, the name of her business is 80/20 Marketing Inc.

Ann and I have been working together since the end of 2004 as cross-line team mates as part of a mastermind group and she is now in my downline in SendOutCards. I was fortunate to get chance to meet her face-to-face again in Salt Lake City this August and I got to meet her husband, Brian, for the first time. In referring to the 80/20 in their company name, he says, “I would rather work for myself 80 hours a week than work for someone else 20 hours”

I wholehearted agree with him! That is one of the things I love best about network marketing and working for myself – being in control of my own time and life. However, the biggest benefit can also be the biggest challenge.

When you come from an “employee mind-set “you are used to someone else dictating your day and time and it is often hard to make the shift to an “employer” or “entrepreneur mind-set”. You need to be plan your business time so you are using it productively. For most people starting out in network marketing, they are working their new business around their job until they start bringing in enough income to 'fire their boss”.

When you have a limited amount of time to work your business, using the time you do have is even more vital to your success. First you need to treat your business as a business. Determine how much time you have, schedule that time in your calendar or weekly planner and stick to it. If family or your job cuts into your business time, they owe you, so make sure you 'pay back' that time.

Applying the 80/20 rule can help you determine which activities will yield the greatest results so you use your time productively. You need to balance your activities. Of course you need to spend some time on marketing but the most important use of your time will be talking with potential customers or business partners. So don't spend 80% of your time writing that perfect email, newsletter or brochure. Also, you need to make sure you are spending time with qualified prospects. Again spending 80% of your time with the wrong people will only get you frustrated. You need to learn how to work smarter and spend your time on the things that will yield 80% of your results.

If you would like to learn more about being more effective in your business, download the free ebook, The 7 Great Lies in Network Marketing, request a free SendOutCards DVD from my website, (SendOutCards is a great tool time-saving for ANY business), then request a complimentary consultation to discuss your business or business research and learn what will be most important for YOU.

To your success,

Wendy Mills

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Work at Home JOB or Home BUSINESS? - There's the DIFFERENCE!

I recently joined an online Moms forum and notice a group for Moms who want to work work at home and joined. Afterall, I am a Mom who works from home. I didn't post right away but just scanned through some of the posts.

I was amazed by how many people just posted 'their deal' – just going on about how wonderful their comp. plan is, or product is - how well they are doing, etc. In addition, there were other moms who were blasting network marketing as a scam or 'pyramid scheme'.

The problem is some of these ladies are looking for a work at home J.O.B. and some are looking, or are in, a work at home BUSINESS. The two are very different and that is where some of the confusion, frustration and hostility was coming from.

You need to find what is a good fit for YOU.

Network marketing is a legitimate way of building a business and has been around for 40 years or more. A pyramid scheme is illegal. If no one is selling a product or service, it is a pyramid scheme and it will be shut down. Arbonne, Avon, SendOutCards, Isagenix, Shaklee, etc. are not pyramid schemes. However, they may or may not be what you are looking for. Also you need to find a product or service you see is of VALUE. If you don't believe you have something of great value, how can you possible market it effectively? No matter what some of you may have been told EVERYONE is not a potential prospect!

About 6 or 7 years ago I was a full-time art teacher, but wanted to stay home with my kids. I looked at work at home JOBS but after a lot of research found that there was nothing out there in which I could earn enough money to support my family, and still give me time with my kids, if I worked for someone else. My income was 2/3 of our family income. Now many of these ladies may just need to make some extra money and a work at home job may be great for them. That was not the case for me.

I began researching network marketing and saw that this was a way to leverage my time, help others and build a full-time income working part-time. However, it does take time and consistent effort. The unfortunate thing is there is so much hype out there – “you don't need any sales skills”, “you can make a gillion dollars in 3 months”, “this product sells itself!” and so on. This is just nonsense. For most people it takes 2-5 years to reach a full-time income, depending on the time they invest, skill development, etc.

The problem is that, often times, you are dealing with the 'blind leading the blind'. Certainly there are plenty of scams and scammers out there, but even worse - there are people just passing along bad marketing information because they don't know what they are doing either. “Just keep doing more of it” If what they are telling you to do is not working, do you think doing more is going to help?? So it is important not only to find the right company or product/service, but also the right PEOPLE to work with.

I was fortunate that I had a very big reason to make working at home work for me. I figured out was worked and what didn't, often the hard way. What I soon discovered is that even though I had many, many challenges, I loved the freedom of working for myself. I don't think I could ever go back to working for someone else. As long as I have my laptop, I can work my business anywhere. When my kids and I were in Scotland last fall, clients and business associates could call a NY state number and reach me on my laptop!

One of the things I would recommend anyone wanting a home business is to work toward developing multiple streams of income. You need to learn what you are doing first of course, but keep that in mind as you progress. For those who like helping other people and want their own business, network marketing may be a good fit. If you don't want the responsibility of helping a downline, affiliate marketing may be a better option. I integrate both into my business.

So if you find yourself in a similar situation as these Moms, I have a lot of information and resources on my website - home business options, what to look for, home business education, etc. There is also free material you can request. including a free ebook, The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing, which explain the major myths that people believe and tell others.

I also offer a complimentary consultation, so if you are looking for a home business or already have a business but need some help getting it going, feel free to contact me or complete a request form on the site:

Wendy Mills
Certified Marketing Consultant & Success Coach
716-514-8858 / 716-740-0777